So I have some new obsessions as of late and I thought it would be fun to share.
1. Elvis Presley and Billy Joel music - Seriously, these guys are amazing! Today's music stinks! You cannot beat the classics!
2. Stalking the lives of my family members - Since my excursion with my friend Karli to the Festival of Colors and like activities I have really begun missing my family even more so than normal. I blame this on the fact that Karli has a little sister the same age as Amy and I got to watch a friend of Karli's and his sister interact with each other. They are close in age just like Scott and I and it made me miss him even more!
3. Movies from my childhood - I have been watching Disney movies that I watched as a kid and tonight I even watched "Three Men and a Baby." I love that movie!!
4. My new fish - I bought two new ones. There names are Marlo and Jimmy. Marlo is white and orange and cost me 27 cents and Jimmy is all white and cost 13 cents. I really wanted Gus-Gus to have some friends that could hopefully cure him of his idiocy. So far it's working, but it's only been a day.
5. Something Broken - It's a band. A great band. Made up of probably the coolest musicians EVER. I was BLOWN away by their music. Basically they are the most talented human beings I have ever heard. Yep. Oh did I mention that I'm a member? And that all of our instruments are cheap Walmart instruments from the toy section? Get ready world, here we come!
6. Movie lines - Kenzie and I have been memorizing as many movie lines as we can and we insert them into our lives as often as possible. It's like a little inside joke between just the two of us and it's always fun!
7. The semester ending - I can't wait! I get to go home where it's warm. And I get to see my family. And I don't have to go to school. And then I get to go to New York!
8. Peach cobbler and breakfast food - This weekend we are having lots of both of these accompanied by a roommate sleepover and lots of girl talk/movies/and fun! I love conference weekend!!
9. Dixie Chicks - I love them! I used to listen to them with my dad all the time when I was younger. I brought them back into my life recently and they are so great! "Wide Open Spaces" is basically amazing!
10. Writing Twilight parodies to all my choir songs - So basically all of our choir songs have boring or super sad/depressing lyrics or they are in German or Shakespeare so you can't understand what they mean. So to make the class more enjoyable, Sara and I have decided to turn all of our songs into Twilight parodies. It keeps us laughing and makes our director think that we like the songs. Win, win!
So those are my obsessions as of late. They will probably change soon, as they always do. Welcome to the life of me! :D
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
This Week
This week has been an interesting one, that's for sure!
Monday: First day of Spring!! Guess what that means in Logan? Slut day and snow. Yep. Tons of girls had on THE shortest skirts and skankiest outfits I have ever seen in my entire life. It was stinkin' crazy. You could see way too much of some things that you really didn't want to see. And it snowed on Monday. Ha ha short skirt girls, I hope that caught up to you! I also had an anatomy test. We are going to skip talking about that though because it wasn't the highlight of my life. FHE was kinda interesting. We combined with other wards in the stake and had an international night with food from all over the place. Basically it was a big place for the few RM's in the stake to have a little fun reliving their missions. Oh and I discovered that I HATE Vegemite. It is disgusting!! Oh and I also had a super embarrassing moment on this grand day. So I had scheduled with my piano teacher to have two lessons this week. One of which was supposed to be on Monday. Well that didn't end up working out so my piano teacher called me to let me know. Problem was that I was in class and I couldn't answer my phone. So my teacher got to listen to my voicemail that my roommates made of them singing, saying crazy things, and basically being their fun crazy selves. In the voicemail she left me she said "wow, listening to your voicemail was very interesting. Very creative." Ah! So embarrassing!
Tuesday: The main happening of Tuesday was getting the fun joy of being made a group leader in music therapy ensemble. My teacher called six girls up and said "Class, meet your group leaders." This was great except she didn't tell us ANYTHING about what we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to do it. Crazy! But lucky for me, I got an amazing group so they help make my life a bit easier. Oh and we get to perform very first on the first day. It'll be grand! Oh and basically the best thing of life happened this day. My crush of the year came to my apartment! To talk to us about raising money for Japan. It was possibly the greatest thing EVER!
Wednesday: Beautiful weather!!! Too bad it only lasted one day. Wednesday I decided that Logan, Utah likes to show you pretty weather for one day and then go back to stinky weather. It's like it's saying "This is what you could have had.... IF YOU DIDN'T LIVE IN LOGAN! Ha Ha!" Thank you mother nature! Don't worry, we'll still party, even when it's cold! :D
Thursday: Today the fire alarm went off. At 8:00 this morning. Yep it was grand. I learned you get to see some fun things that early in the morning. Poor soaking wet people who got caught in the shower, crazy bed head, half done hair/make-up, no make-up, and many unhappy and tired faces. It was actually pretty funny! I also learned today that while playing piano it is possible to only modulate keys with only one hand and then end up playing a different key in your right and left hand. How does this happen you may ask? I honestly don't know! It was not what was supposed to happen in the song, but I must admit that it sounded really kinda cool. Oh! I also met with my music therapy ensemble group today. We were only able to have everyone there for like ten minutes. The rest of the time we kinda just hung around and talked. Karli and I ended up staying quite awhile after everyone left. Just hanging out and talking. It was really fun! I love my music therapy pals!
Well that's my week for ya. Not all that exciting. But hey, it's my life and I love it! :D
Monday: First day of Spring!! Guess what that means in Logan? Slut day and snow. Yep. Tons of girls had on THE shortest skirts and skankiest outfits I have ever seen in my entire life. It was stinkin' crazy. You could see way too much of some things that you really didn't want to see. And it snowed on Monday. Ha ha short skirt girls, I hope that caught up to you! I also had an anatomy test. We are going to skip talking about that though because it wasn't the highlight of my life. FHE was kinda interesting. We combined with other wards in the stake and had an international night with food from all over the place. Basically it was a big place for the few RM's in the stake to have a little fun reliving their missions. Oh and I discovered that I HATE Vegemite. It is disgusting!! Oh and I also had a super embarrassing moment on this grand day. So I had scheduled with my piano teacher to have two lessons this week. One of which was supposed to be on Monday. Well that didn't end up working out so my piano teacher called me to let me know. Problem was that I was in class and I couldn't answer my phone. So my teacher got to listen to my voicemail that my roommates made of them singing, saying crazy things, and basically being their fun crazy selves. In the voicemail she left me she said "wow, listening to your voicemail was very interesting. Very creative." Ah! So embarrassing!
Tuesday: The main happening of Tuesday was getting the fun joy of being made a group leader in music therapy ensemble. My teacher called six girls up and said "Class, meet your group leaders." This was great except she didn't tell us ANYTHING about what we are supposed to do and how we are supposed to do it. Crazy! But lucky for me, I got an amazing group so they help make my life a bit easier. Oh and we get to perform very first on the first day. It'll be grand! Oh and basically the best thing of life happened this day. My crush of the year came to my apartment! To talk to us about raising money for Japan. It was possibly the greatest thing EVER!
Wednesday: Beautiful weather!!! Too bad it only lasted one day. Wednesday I decided that Logan, Utah likes to show you pretty weather for one day and then go back to stinky weather. It's like it's saying "This is what you could have had.... IF YOU DIDN'T LIVE IN LOGAN! Ha Ha!" Thank you mother nature! Don't worry, we'll still party, even when it's cold! :D
Thursday: Today the fire alarm went off. At 8:00 this morning. Yep it was grand. I learned you get to see some fun things that early in the morning. Poor soaking wet people who got caught in the shower, crazy bed head, half done hair/make-up, no make-up, and many unhappy and tired faces. It was actually pretty funny! I also learned today that while playing piano it is possible to only modulate keys with only one hand and then end up playing a different key in your right and left hand. How does this happen you may ask? I honestly don't know! It was not what was supposed to happen in the song, but I must admit that it sounded really kinda cool. Oh! I also met with my music therapy ensemble group today. We were only able to have everyone there for like ten minutes. The rest of the time we kinda just hung around and talked. Karli and I ended up staying quite awhile after everyone left. Just hanging out and talking. It was really fun! I love my music therapy pals!
Well that's my week for ya. Not all that exciting. But hey, it's my life and I love it! :D
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Spring Break!

My Spring Break is done..... :( back to Logan and the cold. But what a great Spring Break it was!
I got to spend lots of time with my family. We ate yummy dinners, went hot tubbing and shopping and watched movies and it was really fun! My dad unfortunately wasn't there most of the week because he had a work thing in Las Vegas (he always has work things now).
I also got to spend a lot of time with friends. One of the high lights was meeting up with Becca. Lucky for us, Snow College and USU had the same Spring Break this year. I kept in contact with her most of the week and I got to be her and her groups' Spring Break travel assistant even though I didn't really get to spend much time with them. But I did meet up Becca at my FAVORITE place in St. George though, THE RED ROCKS! It was dark so it was a little bit weird hiking around when you can't see but other than that, it was grand!
Along with seeing Becca, I spent a lot of time with other friends as well. More red rock trips in the daylight (and another night one), cruising around town on Friday nights, ice cream (of course!), Tangled, late night gas runs, and really really long school plays.
Lastly I got CPR and first aid certified! It was a bit awkward at first since I was THE ONLY person being taught but I got over it. The nice part about the whole thing was that all I had to do was tell my dad that I needed to get CPR/first aid certified and he talked to a guy at his work, scheduled a time, and the guy came to my house! I didn't have to drive anywhere or do anything really. And best of all, the course is normally 5+ hours and about $80 and I got in 1 1/2 hour for $10. I guess there are some perks to being the sheriff's daughter! :D
The pictures are from one of mine and Lauren's trips to the red rocks. Unfortunately for me, my mom's camera that I was using is possessed and it deleted basically all of my pictures that I took so I only have a few now.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
This Means War!
I think they put something in the midnight pizza here at USU because I get CRAZY after I eat it, every time. But sometimes this craziness turns into something rather entertaining.... Last night for example. It was almost 11:00 pm and Jonathan showed up to talk to Kristy. It was 10:58 pm to be exact. We told him that he only had two minutes. So instead of hanging around for the two minutes, they left the apartment. Then Mackenzie and I decided at about 11:30 pm that we were starving so we went and got midnight pizza. As we were walking back we decided that we wanted to see if Jonathan and Kristy were still together. Turns out that they were. Hehehe lucky us! Kenzie had the brilliant idea to go spy on them. So while they were in the Bullen Hall lounge we snuck up to the second floor and tried to sneak in. Well as the soon found out, I'm a terrible spy. I busted up laughing and they caught this. This started a sneaking up on each other game which went on for quite some time. So this got Kristy and Jonathan out of the lounge. So we ran in there and stole their stuff and sent them a ransom text. We had Jonathan's coat and Kristy's keys. They were locked out! This lovely picture is of our set up of their items. They could see them but they couldn't get them. We hung the coat and keys from a lamp in front of the window.

So I woke up this morning to someone (aka Kristy) messing with the door to my room. I made a noise at her and she left. Then I got up and got in the shower. When I came back into the room, there was the note that we had left them the night before hanging from the thong on my wall.

They struck back! This actually turned out to be Jonathan's idea. Well Kenzie and I decided that since Kristy snuck into my room we could sneak into hers. So we did, while she was in class. I hope she likes the result! The note declares war.

What can I say, I have THE best roommate's ever! I love you girls!!
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