My Spring Break is done..... :( back to Logan and the cold. But what a great Spring Break it was!
I got to spend lots of time with my family. We ate yummy dinners, went hot tubbing and shopping and watched movies and it was really fun! My dad unfortunately wasn't there most of the week because he had a work thing in Las Vegas (he always has work things now).
I also got to spend a lot of time with friends. One of the high lights was meeting up with Becca. Lucky for us, Snow College and USU had the same Spring Break this year. I kept in contact with her most of the week and I got to be her and her groups' Spring Break travel assistant even though I didn't really get to spend much time with them. But I did meet up Becca at my FAVORITE place in St. George though, THE RED ROCKS! It was dark so it was a little bit weird hiking around when you can't see but other than that, it was grand!
Along with seeing Becca, I spent a lot of time with other friends as well. More red rock trips in the daylight (and another night one), cruising around town on Friday nights, ice cream (of course!), Tangled, late night gas runs, and really really long school plays.
Lastly I got CPR and first aid certified! It was a bit awkward at first since I was THE ONLY person being taught but I got over it. The nice part about the whole thing was that all I had to do was tell my dad that I needed to get CPR/first aid certified and he talked to a guy at his work, scheduled a time, and the guy came to my house! I didn't have to drive anywhere or do anything really. And best of all, the course is normally 5+ hours and about $80 and I got in 1 1/2 hour for $10. I guess there are some perks to being the sheriff's daughter! :D
The pictures are from one of mine and Lauren's trips to the red rocks. Unfortunately for me, my mom's camera that I was using is possessed and it deleted basically all of my pictures that I took so I only have a few now.
Sounds like a good break girl! That wind blown hair picture is definitely TOP Model...Top Model would be proud of you!