Tuesday, July 17, 2012

#8. Pet Peeves

20 Til I'm 20:  #8.  Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

Dear Christie,
Here is the post you wanted to see.  I hope you enjoy it.  :D
Love, Dacy

Side note:  A lot of these pet peeves have to do with driving.... brace yourself.

1.  I absolutely cannot handle when people don't use turning lanes when they're driving.  Either they slow down way before the turning lane and slow down all the traffic behind them or they get into the lane so late that they still block half the road. 
2.  Constant/tuneless/mindless, whistling.  My brother used to do this ALL the time when I was growing up and it drove me crazy.  Now my little sister does it.
3.  When someone doesn't flush the toilet.  *Getting on my soap box* Dear people of America, are we really turning into that lazy of a country that we can't even push a lever down to flush a toilet?  We should not automatically assume every toilet flushes all by itself.  Plus, I promise that no one else wants to see or deal with the remains you've left behind.  So please flush the toilet when you're done so no one else has to deal with your crap.  Thank you.  *Getting off soap box now*
4.  Being late.  I hate being late and I hate when other people are late and I have to wait for them.
5.  When people leave their blinkers on for excessive amounts of time OR when they don't use their blinker at all.  There is an art to the usage of blinkers.
6.  Tailgating.  This is another huge one!  I tend to brake check people/drive extremely slow when people tailgate me.
7.  Having jeans that are wet on the bottom.  It's just uncomfortable.
8.  When you're eating with/talking to a person and the TV is on and they look past you to watch it instead of listening/talking to you.  I think it's very rude.
9.  When people ask to borrow a pencil.  Growing up, my pencils were never returned so I hate lending them now even though most people do give them back.
10.  Hair in the shower/bathtub.  I really don't like when people don't clean out their hair after showering. This one didn't used to bother me all that much because I didn't have to deal with it until I moved away to school and had to share a shower in an apartment of girls and then had to share a public bathroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Aw beautiful. :) I'll be honest, I expected much more anger than that. Haha!
