Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy 20th Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!

Today is a very special day. Today is the day that my dear brother and best friend turns 20 years old! I can't believe that he is 20 today. It seems like just yesterday we were in Diamond Valley being crazy little kids and causing all kinds of trouble. And now I'm living my second year away from home and he's off on an LDS mission in Korea and saving the world.

Well Scott, here's to you! Happy Birthday!! I love you so much!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Utah State Univeristy

If you knew me last year, you would never have thought that I would say the words "I love Logan, Utah" or "I love Utah State." Sad, I know. But it's true. But not to worry, I've corrected my ways and this place is definitely near and dear to my heart. I love Logan, Utah and I love Utah State!!!

Now just so you know, I do have a reason for posting this. I spent this weekend in Provo and guess what..... I was getting Logan homesickness. I missed this place. Am I a sinner if I say that I really don't think I would fit in at BYU? It's just not the place for me. That's what I decided this weekend while I was there.

So here are some of the reasons I love Utah State:
(Dear BYU friends, please don't get offended by anything I say. BYU is probably great for you, just not for me. And I don't mean anything personal by what I post here. It's just my feelings.)

- At Utah State there is no honor code. There is no one there watching your every move. If you want to have a boy over late, or to wear short shorts, or have a beard, that's okay. You get to choose your own honor code.
- You don't walk around judging people by what they wear. We can wear what we want and it's a personal choice to dress modestly, not a school policy.
- Okay so basically what I'm getting at here is that you have the right to choose how you live. Now I know that the majority of students at BYU would make the choice to live righteously no matter what school they went to BUT I like that at USU (and any other school for that matter) you have the choice.
- We aren't Jimmer obsessed. <- That is definitely the MOST ANNOYING thing about Provo.
- We have the world's largest LDS Institute!! How cool is it to say that you are a student at the school that has the largest Institute? In the world! I think it's pretty amazing!
- Music Therapy. Seriously other schools in Utah? Catch up with the times, it's a great thing!
- The spirit. And I'm not talking about school spirit (although that is pretty great too). I'm talking about THE spirit. I can still feel the spirit all over campus even though we don't pray in every class or relate every subject to the gospel. The spirit is just as strong here at USU. And we're still great people, I promise!
- The diversity. Okay so compared to the rest of the world, USU obviously isn't the most diverse place ever but I pride myself in thinking that there is at least some diversity here! I love being around people who are different from each other! I think that learning through experience from people who are different than you is a great way to learn!
- All of our nationally ranked programs. Like music therapy! And engineering. And so on. Can't get much better than that!
- The free shuttle service around town. Not that I've had to experience much of this because I have a car, but I love the fact that you don't have to have a car to get anywhere you want to go in Logan.
- My job and my staff. I love my job! And I feel so sad and lonely when I go a day without seeing someone from my staff. What am I going to do over Christmas Break?!?!?!
- My residents. We are the Appreciating the Arts Freshmen Interest Group and we rock! Enough said.
- Old Main. This may sound cliche (if that's how that is spelled) but really. How many people can say that they get to look at a giant A everyday?? We can!
- The past doesn't affect the present. I like that Logan was a fresh start for me both my first year here and now my second year too. Who I was in high school or even my first year hold no gravity at all to who I can be this year. I can be whoever I want to be. And the fact that people who knew me last year are okay with that makes things even greater!
- My friends. I can already tell that the friends I make/have made and the people I will meet here at Utah State are going to impact my life. Some already have! Oh I love you people!!

Okay so now I am done, I think. There are so many things here about USU that I love so much! I don't think I could ever list them all. But thank you Utah State for providing such joy in my life!

Now friends and family, I have a task for you. When winter hits here in Logan and I am complaining about it, remind me to read this post and remember all the great things I love about USU..... because the cold might make me forget. Haha well.... later!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Have You Forgotten?

I can't believe it was ten years ago today that those towers fell. I've seen a lot of people write down what they were doing, or where they were when this all happened. I remember the first that I heard about it was in my 4th grade classroom. We were sitting there having class and the people from the office turned on the radio broadcast over the intercom letting us know what had just happened. I remember my teacher freaking out a little but I didn't really understand what was going on. After school I went home and my brother and I turned on the TV and every single station was was showing it. I was terrified. I remember my parents trying to explain to me what was going on but mostly all I remember was being scared. Ten years later, understanding what happened, it still scares me. But I feel more pride then ever living in the United States. God Bless Our Troops and the Families of 9/11!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Random Fact #1

Do you ever have those moments where someone/something brings up a random fact about yourself that most people don't know? Those facts that when people ask "what's something unique about you that not many know" you can NEVER think of. I had one of those the other day in my Abnormal Psychology class.

My professor starts off each class with a song (note to all teachers: If you want your students to like you and be in a semi-decent mood in your class, consider doing this). I look forward to it every time! So last Thursday he started off the class by playing "Hysteria" by Def Leppard. I was so excited!! I love Def Leppard! I grew up listening to them with my Dad and my brother and every time I hear their music, it makes me happy! After the song finished he asked the class if we enjoyed the song, etc. and there was one girl who had never heard of Def Leppard before. So sad!! My professor thought so too, so he then proceeded to play clips of all the most famous Def Leppard songs! It was fabulous! Lets just say that my day was made.

Random Fact about Dacy #1. I LOVE Def Leppard and I can sing most of their songs word for word.