Well I made it! Welcome to Logan, Utah - my new home. I must admit that it feels super weird to be here. But I have had a good time so far. My roommates are amazing!! Shayla and Kristy, Jessica and Mackenzie, and then Lauren who is in my room. We all get along really well and they are all so great! Lauren is so crazy and fun and I am so glad that she and I are roomies! My roommates are definitely my favorite part about being here so far and they have made adjusting so much easier!
I think the worst part was saying my goodbyes. I shed quite a few tears when I said goodbye to my family and I miss them and home but I love it here! Until winter at least.
Saturday August 21st - I moved into my apartment. When I got here, no one else had moved in yet. I set up all my stuff and got food with my family. After food we came back and all the roommates came in a rush after that. Except for our very own California girl. She moved in on Sunday. It really was amazing how quickly we all got along and became close. I think it will be a great year!!!!
Tuesday August 24 - I got to see some familiar faces from home. Orlando and Kyle came to the apartment. Funny story - Kyle and Orlando both knew me but didn't know each other. I knew that they would be living in the same apartment complex and I said that it would be funny if they roomed together. They got assigned as roommates. They will have an interesting year together. -- While the boys were visiting, Orlando and Lauren decided to make a music video for Kristy to the California Gurls song. It was one of the absolute funniest things I have ever seen!! Poor Kristy!
Today I got my food handlers permit and hopefully can get my job all set up now! Hallelujah!!! I am so excited to have a job and be able to make a little bit of spending money. Plus, money is always good!
School starts the 30th! I can't wait! I am so ready to get started on my major! It'll be a good year!!!
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