As I said before. Today was the first day of school. We successfully finished training week on Friday. HALLELUJAH!! Saturday and Sunday we had check-ins and mandatory meetings and here we are. A couple things. #1. Kristy got here on Thursday! So beyond excited to have her around again!! #2. Check-ins. Definitely not my favorite thing.... except when the exceptionally lovely boys check-in. Yes, most are freshmen.... There must be something in the water though because there are potentially some of the cutest males I have ever seen. We have an Iron-man, God, and some other super great name among us. Living in the freshmen residence halls = constant interaction. Now is the time to be jealous. (Unless you work in the Towers too, then you can just appreciate with me :D) #3. Mandatory meetings were yesterday. I actually really loved them. I had to attend both the girls and the boys meetings for my floors. I just introduced myself and the FIG and what not. Minus the boys threatening to lock me on their floor and not let me leave (funny boys), the meetings went really well.! I love both the floors I'll be working with this year. There is quite a wide variety of people. So much diversity! I love that so much!! #4. So today I was sitting in my institute class and I had a couple of impressions/thoughts hit me really hard. The first one is just how much I love my job. We were talking about the Savior and how he stopped to help people and perform miracles even during His last week of life when He was so busy and had so much to do. He stood still and took the time to help those around Him. Then we talked about taking the time to stand still and listen to the Spirit or to notice that their is someone who needs help. Thanks to my job, I have the opportunity to do that all the time. Working with the freshmen and just being in the "dorm-style" living space gives me the opportunity to just stop and take a second to answer questions and help out those who really do need it. I get to help these new students figure out possibly one of the biggest experiences of their lives and I get to be part of that experience and play a role there. Cool huh? I feel so lucky! In institute,we also talked about how we can be the reminders in people's lives of God and how much he loves us and thinks about us just by stopping to help someone out or saying hello or giving a compliment. For some reason this hit me really hard. So that is my challenge to myself (I'm making it public-ish so that I actually do it).
Now on a bit lighter note. Wanna see how great my staff is this year?
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