Today marks the first day that I can say that "I'm moving in less than a month!" Weirded out much? Because I totally am. I can't decided whether I am more scared or excited. Meeting the roommates, excited. Living on my own, scared. Finally starting my Music Therapy studies, excited. 7:30 AM aerobics, scared. Meeting new boys, (super) excited. Saying goodbye to my family and friends, scared. And the list goes on and on. Have you ever wanted to fly away to Neverland and never have to grow up? Right about now, I'm thinking Peter Pan was an extremely smart guy. Excited, scared, excited, scared. I can't make up my mind! This is definitely going to be a new experience!
On another note, Scott is home safe and sound! AND he got his mission call!!!!! And he is going to............................. Seoul Korea! He leaves for the Provo MTC on November 17th. It seems so crazy and unreal. I can't believe that we are really old enough for all of this to be happening. BIG changes are coming up kick. Brace yourselves!
..........less than a month..........
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