Thursday, April 19, 2012


I definitely do not have the time to be blogging right now but I decided to take a break for just a few minutes and say how grateful I am for a couple of people in my life. These past couple of weeks, and this week especially, I have been seriously struggling with life. Between the stresses of school and work and a whole lot of other things thrown on top of that, I have been less than pleasant to say the least. Lucky for me, I've had a couple people who have really been there for me through the whole thing. Number 1. My dear friend Kristy. I honestly could not ask for a better friend in my life. So this a public thank you for listening to my hours upon hours of ranting and raving and venting and trying not to break down (and dealing with me when I do break down). You are one of the best friends I could ever ask for and I don't think I would have made it through this year without you. Thank you for keeping me sane! You are the best! Number 2. My mom. That lady is seriously amazing! I don't know what I would ever do without her. She is my hero. Thank you for letting me call you and just cry and thank you for still taking care of me as much as you can without being here. I love you so much! Also, snaps (Haha ResLife joke) to my dear dear staff who has dealt with my unhappy outbursts. You girls are great! Now it's time to get back to studying.... :D

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lost Generation

Just some food for thought.
I love this.