The place that I'll be working at is called Camp Huntington. It is located in High Falls, New York. I believe it's about 2 hours outside of the city. I will work either as a bunk counselor and have 1-3 campers assigned to me that I get to work with and go to every activity with OR I will be the music program counselor where I will get to teach/play/make music with all the campers. I hope that I can get the program counselor job because I think that it will be really good experience for me and I may be able to get credit for it. Plus, I'll get to work with a music therapist basically everyday. My dream job? I think so.
So to apply for this job I had to fill out an online application, get references (thank you to the three people who have now filled out more references for me than they ever should have had to), and have a phone interview. The application part was really easy. I was nervous about the phone interview part but I just have to say that the lady I talked to, Amber, is basically one of the nicest people ever. She offered me a job instantly which I though was pretty cool!
To go along with the greatness of this already wonderful opportunity, my good friend Sydnie also got a job at Camp Huntington for this summer. She heard me talking about it and she filled out the application and got a job as well. So now I don't have to do that part that is the scariest to me alone. The traveling. I was a bit nervous about going all the way to New York alone. Thank you Sydnie! And I get to spend an entire summer with her and a bunch of really great people. I am so excited.
I cannot wait until this summer. I am so excited and scared and happy and nervous all at the same time. But I know that I am so lucky to get this opportunity and I am very grateful for it! There will definitely be more to come on Camp Huntington but probably not until next Fall. :D
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