Sunday, September 26, 2010

College Life - Take 3

Well here we are again.
I've missed a lot so here's a little update
1. The 80's dance was so much fun! And I made some new foreign friends!
2. Henry (my fish) is still alive!
3. I now have a pen pal. He's 6.
4. Music Therapy is basically the most incredible class EVER!
I know for a fact that it is what I am supposed to be doing!
5. I took a trip to Idaho two weekends ago and had a lot of fun with the family!
Slumber party out in the trailer with some of the kids.
And playing piano in Relief Society and Sacrament meeting.
6. Aerobics is slowing getting better.
I am gaining the ability to actually move after class.
7. Ice Skating is still a challenge but I love it!
I can tell that I am improving and it's a lot of fun
(even when I bruise my knees)
8. Hiking to the Wind Caves is a lot of fun.
And also extremely hard.
Especially after being tired and sore from aerobics.
But the company you go with makes a difference.
I love dates!
9. I am continually making new friends
And it is slowly beginning to feel like a second home
10. Dad came and visited me!
It was so great!
I miss him and the rest of my family so much!
11. I went to my first USU football game.
It was way fun!
I met some new friends there and ran into some old ones
(Michelle Murri from SUCCESS)
Oh and the kiss cam is pretty scary!
12. True Aggie Night = basically just a huge group of people
gathered together to watch each other kiss.
It was super crowded and not as exciting as I thought it would be.
13. I ran into an old friend from Diamond Valley, Arianna.
We were friends when we were like 5
then she moved.
And we met again here,
what a small world!
14. Door decorating contests are really fun!
So is splatter painting.
Basically my floor is the best and we have the best RA
15. My piano keyboard has become the source of a lot of new friends
and some great entertainment.
A lot of my floor is really musical and they like to stop by and play the piano.
Trevor and Charity even leave their music with me sometimes
It's like Christmas!
16. I have started up piano lessons again!
And it feels so good to finally have something to practice,
and a way to feel like I am improving again.
I know I couldn't go very long without playing piano.
I love it so much and it is such a part of who I am.
17. It felt weird to go to the General Relief Society meeting
instead of Young Womens.
I don't feel old enough to be there.
On another note
It was an extremely good conference and I am really glad I went!
President Monson's talk was my favorite!
He is so inspiring and fun to listen to.
I know he is a prophet of God.

Well that's pretty much life as of late. I know there aren't many details. I guess I just get so caught up in college life and I get busy. :)
I'll try to do better from here on out, but no promises.

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